You can do anything but certificate,buy transcipt.Study is the most important because as a student this is the job, this is the most direct embodiment is the scholarship, than you do a part time job what to come better and faster, a person who can learn to work will not be bad to where.It is textual research next, certificate looks for a job to add cent very much, to the major that has a few professional qualification especially, 4 6, computer, putonghua, driving license is basically can take an examination of take an examination of, come to take an examination of when the university is good do not waste time again.Secondly, it is part time degree, The advantage of part time job is that it can exercise your social skills, flexibility, punctuality, hardship and so on. Secondly, it can help you earn some money.Fall in love, this has nothing to say, want to mature a little bit more quickly to fall in love, try to pursue those conditions good, failure, increase your frustration, success that satisfaction is very cool, fall in love with you will find that you will slowly plan for the future of the present diploma.