Way of thinking;buy degree,buy a fake degree,fake degree,buy certificate.This question should be divided into different majors, but the focus is on how to highlight the advantages of scholarship applicants, grasp a main line, and show their different characteristics with lateral thinking.Words;Don't use fancy words, simple and clear words, and don't make mistakes in low-level grammar, especially in professional vocabulary.This section works well, and the correct use of professional vocabulary can provide you with a degree of professionalism and increase the professor's impression of you.The number of words;The most appropriate suggestion is about 500 words, too much writing will appear verbose, too short will appear not serious, not high attention, about 500 words will be enough to explain the central idea clearly, as long as the idea is fluent, the theme will be prominent.Format;Write in the form of a letter, in the body of the message, not as an attachment.