Buy diploma,buy degree,buy a fake degree.Britain's objective soft power assets are the basis of its ascent to the top this year.National institutions/brands such as the British Council, the BBC and the premier league continue to influence global audiences.Britain's international influence is still supported by its leading universities, the world's popular British culture and a thriving technology industry.But there are more challenges ahead for the UK, whose main weakness is the uncertainty of leaving the eu next year, and the soft power index after brexit will be affected by a number of objective data.This uncertainty puts many of the advantages listed above at risk.Do international students still want to come to the UK after brexit,Will London become a leading financial and professional services centre,There has been a marked improvement in the UK's business index this year, but it will have to do more to compete with Singapore and Switzerland to be business,friendly.The UK's independent ranking of six indicators for 16, 17 and 18 years (image taken from the global soft power study of 2018) shows that the government index is also the lowest in the UK, and it is hard to see any improvement after brexit.Portland has suggested that Britain should continue to adopt inclusive policies to keep the country attractive to foreign investors, tourists and students.