We should show our outstanding ability and unique personality in serving the society.Buy a fake degree,fake degree,buy certificate.Not to say how good your personal gift is enough to harvard, but at the same time to prove your ability and talent is beneficial to human society, but also can prove that you are willing to give their talents to human society to the benefit of human society.This has to be proven by your own substantial performance.In the United States, high school students who plan to go to college must accumulate volunteer hours before they go to college.Learn to be a volunteer.If you don't have enough hours, even if you do well in the exam, those famous universities won't accept you.If you want to read at Harvard University, volunteers, volunteer hours should be enough not only, but also to prove he can use his outstanding leadership, management skills and learned science knowledge, science and technology service for the society, and has made remarkable achievement.You have to prove their personality, and serve the community spirit and ability to contribute to society, and also prove your individual talents and serve the community spirit, be able to get the best development at Harvard University.America's universities, which vary in size and shape, add up to more than 3,000.These 3,000 universities, no matter how big or small, good or bad, cannot be replaced by each other.There is a community college in the United States, often referred to as "college in the United States, according to the understanding of Chinese people, should be regional junior college, here can learn language, all kinds of professional skills and the ability to earn a living, can also be used as a famous universities such as Harvard University's preparatory course.Like americans, every American university has its own personality and expertise.Harvard University ranks the best overall, but not every major, every field is the best.